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Tissue paper and paper towels to be confused with it? Paper Experts Analysis

Published date:2007-05-29 Click:Big Medium Small

Tissue paper and paper towels  (including paper handkerchiefs, tissues, paper napkin) in their daily lives is the most confusing, both with each other alternative is common: a person to use toilet paper instead of Zhijin Zhi; a person accustomed to using toilet paper Calian; Some restaurants use toilet paper, and some even use toilet paper instead of paper napkin poor ......

Perhaps one would say, what is strange? My life does not need such a fine, so pay attention to blind.

Wait a minute, let's take a look to see how the experts.

Q: Zhijin Zhi toilet paper with the big difference here?

A: (Ma Xin Chinese Academy of paper quality inspection center of experts) have a fundamental difference between the two, both the production process, the development of quality and hygiene standards are different, they can not substitute for each other, in particular, can not be inferior The paper napkin in place of toilet paper, and use it to the packaging of food and snacks, or Cazui.

Q: After a mix of both human health effects of what is it?

A: toilet paper, especially poor substitute for toilet paper napkin on the health of the people would pose a potential risk that potential because some people do not mix any pathogen infection, but some people immediately after the body will react, This is the vary from person to person. As for the Zhijin Zhi (qualified for the main purposes of Zhijin Zhi) in place of toilet paper, we described as "surplus value" as long as you do not Xiangui, we have no objection in principle. However, in the toilet this occasion, we promote the use of toilet paper or good. Why? First, Zhi Jinzhi cheaper than toilet paper, and the other is Zhijin Zhi higher than the strength of wet toilet paper, toilet Zhijin Zhi easily blocked.

Q: how to ensure that the lives of their own to buy paper is to achieve health indicators, not with the pathogens?

A; not to yield to the temptation of cheap away some of the wholesale market to buy some cheap paper of life, because there are "three noes" of the product or Yicichonghao, using well-known brands such as the distribution of fake and shoddy goods. Consumers should go to the supermarket to buy or regular shopping, where goods are normally regular purchase channels, product quality assurance. In addition, the display of goods stored, as well as environmental health conditions of people at ease, so that the paper will not be secondary pollution. At the same time, at the time of purchase, it is necessary to pay attention to check whether the packaging intact, the seal is solid and tidy, whether or not damaged, it had a shelf-life, had a shelf-life paper breed bacteria will have attained a certain level of health is not. Long-term use of the human body is bound to have an impact on health.

Q: In the purchase of paper, paper finish, the higher the paper mean that the more health?

A: no connection between the two. Many people think that the more white paper is the more clean health, it is often a consumer's misunderstanding. The paper bleaching is a very high cost, but it has nothing to do with health indicators. It seems to me that as long as the toilet paper will be able to meet the health indicators, no need to emphasize white, smooth finish stressed. Zhi Jinzhi, sometimes stress, but also because the consumer's personal aesthetic, preferences and other factors. As long as you are willing to bear the cost of bleaching, you can go about it is not white or white, there is no delicate patterns. It is up to the individual.

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